Headaches & The Cervical Spine

About half of the population reports having headaches and about half of those are the result of problems with the neck. Through the years chiropractic has proven to be one of the best ways to manage such cases. Along with certain modalities chiropractic adjustments have been the answer to many people’s headaches.

SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS: Many techniques have been studied and mastered by chiropractors. The main goal of the adjustment remains the same regardless of the chiropractors’ methods and techniques. When the vertebrae in the cervical spine get misaligned, pressure is put on the spinal nerves that exit the spine and create pain and dysfunction. When a chiropractor adjusts the spine, they are putting the vertebral segment back in a position that alleviates the pressure on the nerve. This results in eliminating the pain and improving nerve function.

EXERCISE: Home care is also very important when it comes to one’s spinal hygiene. When the proper exercises are performed in conjunction with adjustments the treated areas will heal faster and gain more stability for a lasting result.

OCCIPITAL NERVE FLOSSING: This is a technique that can be done easily to reduce tension on the occipital nerve that flows from the base of the skull above the first cervical vertebrae called the atlas. This is a nerve that is often the culprit in causing headaches. This is done by flexing the neck forward by tucking your chin to the chest. This stretches the musculature that attaches to the base of the skull. The patient can passively stretch this area by pulling the chin further down by pushing down towards the chest. Repeat this motion 5-10 times to your tolerance. This exercise can be repeated as often as needed.

ACTIVITY OF DAILY LIVING: Monitor your daily activities and see which ones are causing more pain. Your Doctor of Chiropractic will make suggestions that will restrict some of the things that might be causing you more problems. Hobbies, exercises, and household chores need to be monitored and restricted while you are being treated. Of course, our goal is to get you back to your normal activities ASAP.

CERVICAL TRACTION: This can be done in the office and at home. Over the door units work very well. It helps to take pressure off the nerves by separating the intervertebral disc and improving the disc spaces. Consult your chiropractic for the best way to do this.

If you suffer from headaches, Dr. William Morgan at Morgan Chiropractic in Stuart Florida will go over the proper treatment and strategies to help resolve your headaches and get you back to living a healthy life. Headaches can be debilitating and the sooner they are resolved the sooner you can get back to a healthy state. We are here to help.


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