Smart Phones, Tablets & Neck Pain

Posture is often overlooked when it comes to general health and wellness. When dealing with the spine, proper posture is critical when it comes to how the spinal cord and spinal nerves run through and exit the spine. The brain controls every system in the body and governs all functions. Misalignments of the spine and postural abnormalities stop the spinal cord and nerves from flowing at ease to all the parts of the body. This creates dysfunction and pain. One of the main contributors to these problems is the use of smart phones and computers. Using these products tends to pull the head and neck forward and create a posture that puts the head in front of the spine. This creates a great deal of pressure and pulls on the spinal cord and nerve roots.

Studies have shown that over half the people who use tablets and computers complain of neck and upper back pain. People tend to be very attached to their electronics, so it is not often given up when pain strikes. Chiropractors specialize in spinal biomechanics and postural issues. Regular spinal adjustment as well as a regiment of home exercises can be of great benefit for anyone experiencing these issues. The surrounding muscles and ligaments will also be under assault when the body is forced into this forward head posture. Tech neck is a common issue among patients who use smart phones and tablets.

Thinking about proper posture is not usually at the forefront of people’s consciousness when engaged in electronic use. In fact, odd sitting positions and postures are often used. In younger adults this could be the onset of serious skeletal muscular issues.

Gender can also contribute to tech neck. Women tend to have a greater prevalence of this problem because of their likelihood of sitting on the floor while using electronics. Women also tend to cross their legs when they are on the floor working with the computer. Sitting in a chair at a designated workstation can help with these issues. It is important to set up your.


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