How To Boost Your Energy

Many people struggle with fatigue during a normal day. The inclination might be to eat a surgery snack, drink an energy drink. or pour yourself a cup of coffee. This tends to give you a short burst of energy that quickly fades into an energy crash. Here are some commonsense things you can do.

1) Enjoy a balanced BREAKFAST: There is a reason it is considered the most important meal of the day. Eat fruit and avoid surgery processed foods. This should help you stay energized for a longer period as the day progresses.

2) Get some EXERCISE: It can be as simple as a short walk. I prefer to push some weights around and do about 30 minutes on the elliptical.

3) Let yourself SING/TALK: I tend to serenade my dogs daily. I think they love it, but I am not completely sure. Singing activates your nervous system and stimulates the brain. It is great way to boost your energy.

4) Make sure you DRINK WATER: It is important to avoid dehydration if you are planning on being energetic and productive. Drinking water is good for all the body’s functions and if you are prone to headaches this could be the best solution.

5) Get some SUNSHINE: This is one of the best ways to get vitamin D. If you want to give your body the best it is important to have your body produce vitamin D. A little time in the sun is good for the soul. Be careful not to stay out too long. 10-15 minutes should do.

6) Have a SNACK: Nuts are a great source of protein while fruits and vegetables are great building blocks for glycogen. This is the main fuel that powers the brain.

7) I love to LAUGH: Don’t take yourself too seriously and try to see humor in the world we live in. I love to watch comedy videos on YouTube.

8) SLEEP is critical. Try to get 8 hours of sleep a night. I have set up a sleep schedule on my smart phone. It reminds me when it is time to lay down. Reading before bed always helps me to knock off for the night.


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