Balance Problems & Low Back Pain

Dr. William Morgan explains that our sense of balance is derived from multiple areas of the body. The inner ear provides information about the position of our head and whether we are moving, while the eyes provide similar information. However, the spine also plays a crucial role in maintaining proper balance. Tiny nerve endings in the spinal column send information about position and movement up the spinal cord and into our brains, where it is integrated with information from the ears and eyes. A person can become imbalanced through disease in any of these areas: eyes, ears, and spine. Inner ear infections and head and neck trauma can dislodge the tiny particles in the inner ear that give us balance feedback. The spine can also be injured through traumas to ligaments and muscles. Patients with chronic low back pain tend to have more sway to their posture, which means there is less margin for error if one trips or misses a step. There is also reduced response time, which is needed for unexpected events. Part of the rehabilitation of chronic low back pain involves getting back the sense of balance if it has been affected.

Strengthening your postural muscles can help reduce back pain and prevent falls, which occur more frequently when your sense of balance is affected by disease. If you have experienced any of the following symptoms, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your doctor of chiropractic:

  • Difficulty standing on one leg for five seconds or twenty
  • Falling or having a few near misses in the past month
  • Breaking a bone due to a fall

Your doctor of chiropractic can diagnose why you may be suffering from both balance problems and low back pain. They can prescribe a home exercise and balance program to ensure that your spinal muscles and joints are functioning optimally. Make an appointment today to get back on the path to wellness.


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