Low Back & Running

If you are a runner and experience lower back pain during or after your run, you may be wondering if you should quit running, find an alternative sport, or simply stop all activity and adopt a sedentary lifestyle. However, quitting running or adopting a sedentary lifestyle is not the solution. Instead, let’s see if we can make running work for you!

Stretching is an excellent way to warm up your muscles and joints and prevent lower back pain during or after your run. Yoga-based exercises are also great for this purpose. In addition, the “proper” gait or method your feet hit the ground is very important to avoid low back injuries. Run smoothly so that the heel strike is gliding/glancing vs. a hard vertical load. The foot then “rolls” from heel to toe, first on the outside of the foot and then shifts to the inside during which time the arch flattens out, getting ready to “spring” you forward. The heel then lifts up, and you push off the ball of the foot and big toe.

Running posture is also crucial. Lean forwards when you run – DON’T run vertically like a Po-Go stick! By doing this, your momentum moves you forward – NOT downwards into the pavement (like a “jackhammer”)!

By keeping your “core” (midsection) strong, your back is more supported and less likely to become injured. Core exercises include pelvic tilts, the “dead-bug”, bridges, prone swimmers, lunges, squats, sit-ups, arch-ups, side bridges, 4-point kneeling/opposite arm/leg, and many others. These can be done on a carpeted floor or mat. Breathe freely and deeply during each core-strength exercise. Focus on tightening the deepest abdominal muscle and the one you feel contracting when you cough, also called the transversus abdominis. Aim to do one set of each exercise for 12 to 15 repetitions.

If you are experiencing lower back pain, Morgan Chiropractic can help you. Our chiropractic solutions can help you recover from an injury and get closer to your wellness goals. Call us today at (772) 221-8969 to schedule an appointment.


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